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Step 3 - Empower!



Luckily this is one of the easiest steps!! All you have to do is share your story and inspire others. We will give you resources to help you acheive that, in both ustalizing social media correctly (an important skill to have/learn) and the art of story telling effictevely. 

Ultamately what this step encourages you to do, is be that transformative power for change that you see in the world and infect others with that energy. One person doing acts of kindness alone will get you NO-WHERE, but we have already seen that Pay-It-Forward works. So show your friends what you have done acheived, and plan on repeating the proccess, maybe seeing if a couple of them want to get invovled. 

Now that this is over dont stop here, if your passion continues, continue to follow the passion, how ever if it is beginning to feel like work then realize it may not be the embodiement of following your bliss in this world. If it doesnt fill you with energy and keep you alive dont persue it your whole life. Being on planet Earth is all about experience, so start the proccess over again, learn a different skill, follow a different path, but at the very least and most, Expand! Grow! and facilitate massive change in how we learn!

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